Building a microservices-based application using Kafka and Django​

Mikalai Saskavets

Building a microservices-based application using Kafka and Django​

Mikalai Saskavets

PiterPy 2019
art by René Aigner

Microservices: Coupling and Cohesion?

Distributed Monolith?

Microservices: Synchronous Communication


Microservices: Synchronous Communication


Microservices: Async Communication (Celery)

Microservices: Async Communication (Celery)

should we use
Kafka here???

What is Kafka?

What is Kafka?

Distributed Streaming Platform
Initially conceived as a messaging queue... Now Apache Kafka is a full-fledged distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day. [↪]

Kafka for what??

Messaging Metrics Website Activity Tracking Log Aggregation Stream Processing Event Sourcing Commit Log

Why Kafka???

up to 2,000,000 messages per sec
or even more... [↪]

Alternatives for Kafka

RabbitMQ ActiveMQ
NATS Apache Pulsar NSQ
AWS Kinesis

Kafka: Overview

see some details on

Kafka: Partitions for Topics

Fig. from mrsrinivas

Kafka: Partitions: few consumer groups

derivative of fig. from mrsrinivas

Kafka: Consumers Offsets Example for 1 Partition

          ┌───[Consumer Group 1]
    └───[Consumer Group 2]

Kafka: Consumers Offsets Example for 1 Partition

                  ┌───[Consumer Group 1]
      └───[Consumer Group 2]

Kafka: Consumers Offsets Example for 1 Partition

                           ┌───[Consumer Group 1]
│           │
│           └───[Consumer Group 2]
└───[Consumer Group 3]

Kafka: Consumers Offsets Example for 1 Partition

                                    [Consumer Group 4]───┐
                           ┌───[Consumer Group 1]        │ 
                           │                             │
│           │
│           └───[Consumer Group 2]
└───[Consumer Group 3]

Kafka: Reset Consumer Group Offsets tooling

  Reset to Datetime 
  Reset from Duration
  Reset to Earliest
  Reset to Latest
  Reset to Current Time
  Reset to Offset
  Shift Offset by 'n' 
  Reset from file


Kafka: Consumers Offsets Example for 3 Partitions

                        ┌───[CG 1 C 1] 
Partition 1 >> 11|42|73|104|135|166|197|228|259
                     └───[CG 2 C 1]

                  ┌───[CG 1 C 2] 
Partition 2 >> 21|52|83|114|145|176|207|238
                  └───[CG 2 C 2]

                            ┌───[CG 1 C 3] 
Partition 3 >> 31|62|93|124|155|186|217|248
               └───[CG 2 C 3]

CG — Consumers Group
C — Consumer (in group)

Kafka: Overview, again :-)

see some details on

Kafka: Cluster

Kafka: Partition Leaders

Kafka: Replication

some details on

Kafka: Message structure

key, value
byte[], byte[]

Kafka: Serializers

JSON, Protobuf, Thrift, Avro

Kafka: Schema overhead

Fig. from

Kafka: Schema Registry Concept


Microservices: Async Communication (Celery)

Microservices: Async Communication (Kafka)

Microservices: Async. What about databases?

Relational Database → Kafka

Stream data from RDBS to Kafka

Fig. from

Stream data from PostgreSQL to Kafka

Fig. from

Microservices: Async. What about databases?

Microservices: Async. Debezium

Microservices: Async. Debezium. Full

Application Diagram

Application Diagram. External Data Handling

What about Python?

kafka-python pykafka confluent-kafka-python aiokafka

What to choose?

kafka-python pykafka confluent-kafka
Stars ~ 3 400 ~ 1 000 ~ 1 500
Contributors* 0 / 4 / 13 / 186 1 / 5 / 10 / 77 0 / 1 / 6 / 57
Releases track fine hm… (2018???) fine
Development track fine hm… fine
a / b / c / d
a — more 1k commits
100 ≤ b < 1000
10 ≤ c < 100
d — all commits

What about Throughput?

time (seconds) MBs/s Msgs/s
producer confluent_kafka_producer 5.4 17 183 000
producer pykafka_producer_rdkafka 16 6.1 64 000
producer pykafka_producer 57 1.7 17 000
producer python_kafka_producer 68 1.4 15 000
consumer confluent_kafka_producer 5.4 17 183 000
consumer pykafka_producer_rdkafka 16 6.1 64 000
consumer pykafka_producer 57 1.7 17 000
consumer python_kafka_producer 68 1.4 15 000

Let's code!

from confluent_kafka import Producer
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    broker = sys.argv[1]
    topic = sys.argv[2]
    producer = Producer(**{'bootstrap.servers': broker})
    delivery_callback = lambda err, msg: print(err or msg)

    for something in range(1000):
            producer.produce(topic, str(something),
        except BufferError:
            print("Local producer queue is full, try again")
        # Serve delivery callback queue.
        # Wait until all messages have been delivered

Let's code!

from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaException
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    broker, group, topics = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:]
    conf = {'bootstrap.servers': broker, '': group,
            'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest'}
    clb = lambda consumer, p: print('Assigned partition:', p)

    consumer = Consumer(conf)
    consumer.subscribe(topics, on_assign=clb)
        while True:
            msg = c.poll(timeout=1.0)
            if msg is None:
            if msg.error():
                raise KafkaException(msg.error())
                print(msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(),
                      msg.key(), msg.value())
        consumer.close() # ... to commit final offsets.